Well Being Coaching.
What Is Well Being Coaching?
Ultimate well being is when the body, mind, and spirit work in harmony with each other — when we can stay anchored within ourselves no matter the external circumstances. Whether you’re a new parent, processing grief, or just navigating the waves of life, sometimes we need support in finding this balance and coming back home to ourselves.
These sessions are very intuitive, informal, and driven by the need of the client. The ultimate intention is to help you deepen self compassion, expand awareness, and find safety and a sense of home within your body. However, the process may look different depending on what the individual is working through.
We might use The Resilience Toolkit to help understand your nervous system in a deeper way and how you can befriend it instead of seeing it at as the enemy. We might focus on mindfulness practices and going deeper through meditation/visualization. Writing is also a powerful tool to process stuck emotions — through the act of self expression and voicing areas of resistance you create more freedom and space for things to ultimately shift. I’m a poet at heart, so poetry can also be a huge source of wisdom and inspiration.
As your guide, I will work with you in the moment to access your highest wisdom. With practice, this will be something you can easily do on your own. This isn’t therapy or diving deep into the past, but meeting yourself where you are right here, in this moment, and through practice and work, building a stronger relationship with yourself rooted in love — which is the ultimate state of well-being.
What Can You Gain From Well Being Coaching?
A deeper understanding of how to befriend your nervous system in order to create an embodied sense of safety, connection, and resilience.
Practical tools for staying grounded when experiencing anxiety, chronic pain or any of life's challenges.
A safe space to go inward and look at places you are stuck with curiosity and compassion. Time to write, reflect, and share what needs to be expressed so you can get it out of your system and move forward with more ease.
Accountability for taking small steps to change habits and patterns and make new choices from an empowered place.
Aramesh Coaching Options
50 Minute Zoom or In Person Session:
This is a one-one session personally designed for your current state of being, goals, and individualized needs. Sessions can focus on nervous system education and support, working through transition or unexpected life shifts and loss, using writing as a tool for processing. Preferred through Zoom but if you are in the Los Angeles area we can also do in person sessions.
Personalized Coaching Letter:
For those who don’t have time for a one-one session, or don’t feel comfortable on Zoom, and who feel more at ease expressing themselves through writing. You will send me a letter with your reflections, thoughts, places you are stuck, big or little life questions you might have. I will thoughtfully read your words and write back to you extensively highlighting things you have mentioned, guiding you towards places you can push yourself further, asking you questions to help you go deeper, and providing you with writing prompts and homework to help crystalize things even more. Think of it as your own personal advice column. Please inquire for rates.
Aramesh Coaching Packages:
For the seeker. For the ones who are fed up with their past patterns and are ready to take the dive and explore their inner world with honesty and compassion. For those committed to creating a big shift in their life — this is a deliberate shake up. We will create a longer container to work together. Options range from 3 months to a full year commitment. Throughout our journey we will use mindfulness tools, meditation, poetry, journaling, sharing, and practices to help regulate your nervous system and explore your inner world, places where you are feeling stuck and what lives below this stagnation. We will start with your big picture vision and work backwards to see what concrete steps you can take to live in your true power. Coming home to yourself takes courage and hard work, but the greatest gift you can give yourself is YOU.
Life, Unexpected Women’s Group:
A 6 week group for any woman who has experienced an unexpected (or expected) life shake up, transition or loss, or perhaps is just not where she thought she would be in life by now. whether dealing with grief, divorce, infertility, career challenges, or just feeling overstressed & overworked this group is a space to process in community, use writing to light the inner spark & release what is no longer needed so you can find your power again. Each session will include poetry & other inspirational writing to spark conversation, weekly thematic conversations & writing prompts & time to write/process/share with the group if you choose to. no writing experience required.Weekly themes include:
-Anger/The Wild Woman Within
-Shoulds vs. Desires
-No One’s Coming to Save You/You Are Your Own Guru
-Attention & The Power of Being a Creator
Group Starts on Wednesday 2/26 5-6:30 pm for 6 weeks, no group on 3/19. Cost is $240, please Venmo @Shideh-Etaat or reach out for more information or if money is an issue. No transition, loss, or disappointment is too big or too small. The intention is to create space for women to understand how they can go beyond challenging life circumstances and reclaim their power once again, or maybe even for the first time ever. When women come together & speak their truth the magic is undeniable.