“The wound is the
place where the
light enters you.”
- Rumi
We all have a story. And sometimes life has different plans for us than how we thought our story would unfold.
In 2017 my world was flipped upside down. My partner, the person I loved most in the world, was in a horrible accident and sustained a traumatic brain injury….I was also three months pregnant. All of this prompted a deep journey into understanding how trauma is stored in the body, how our nervous system can be our biggest ally if we can learn how to work with it, and that life exists both on a physical and spiritual plane — what we can’t see is often more powerful than what we can.
Even before this moment I was a highly sensitive child which means I was always absorbing everyone else’s energies, I experienced intense anxiety from a young age, and was always seeking answers to life’s big questions. For most of my life I lived with this looming sense of shame around my anxiety, as if something was fundamentally wrong with me.
My trauma, this jolt to my life of the highest magnitude, pushed me to finally start making peace with myself. There was no escaping anymore. I had to sit inside the darkness, to feel it in my bones, to embrace grief as an ongoing process. Through practice, study, and dedication, I was able to do this all with more and more self compassion. When we can honor the darkness, the messiness, when we can give it space to live and breathe, we allow life to carry us to the other side —where joy and beauty live too.
I’m a certified Resilience Toolkit Facilitator, Mindfulness Coach, and am certified in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy through The Embody Lab. I also received my sixty-five hour Restorative Yoga training with Jillian Pransky and hold a Masters in Creative Writing. My first novel was released in 2023.
I’ve studied meditation with Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith and have spent many years studying the work of Tara Brach, Pema Chodron, and my soul brother, Rumi.

“The first definition of love is to be there. This is a practice. How can you love if you are not there? In order to love you have to be there, body and mind united. A true lover knows that the practice of mindfulness is the foundation of true love.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh

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