Well Being Coaching.

What Is Well Being Coaching?

Ultimate well being is when the body, mind, and spirit work in harmony with each other — when we can stay anchored within ourselves no matter the external circumstances. Whether you’re a new parent, processing grief, or just navigating the waves of life, sometimes we need support in finding this balance and coming back home to ourselves.

These sessions are driven by the need of the client. The ultimate intention is to help you deepen self compassion, expand awareness, and find safety and a sense of home within your body. However, the process may look different depending on what the individual is working through.

We might use The Resilience Toolkit to help understand your nervous system in a deeper way and how you can befriend it instead of seeing it at as the enemy. We might focus on mindfulness practices and going deeper through meditation/visualization, explore practical ways you can bring more peace to your life on a daily basis, use journaling and sharing as a way of releasing, or use Restorative Yoga techniques to deepen relaxation.

As your guide, I will help you work with your body in the moment to access its wisdom and to listen more deeply to what it needs most. With practice, this will be something you can easily do on your own. This isn’t therapy or diving deep into the past, but meeting yourself where you are in the moment and through practice and work, building a stronger relationship with yourself rooted in love, which is the ultimate state of well-being.

What Can You Gain From Well Being Coaching?

  • A deeper understanding of how to befriend your nervous system in order to create an embodied sense of safety, connection, and resilience.

  • Practical tools for staying grounded when experiencing anxiety, chronic pain or any of life's challenges.

  • A safe space to go inward and look at places you are stuck with curiosity and compassion.

  • Accountability for taking small steps to change habits and patterns and make new choices from an empowered place.

Aramesh Packages

Turning Inward:

Are you ready to commit to your own healing? Are you tired of spiraling out or shutting down every time you’re met with a life challenge? Does living in a more embodied way sound good to you? This 6 week journey explores how stress impacts your life and how your body responds. We will meet you in the moment and explore where you are feeling stuck. Building tools and consistent mind body practices you will create a wiser relationship with your nervous system and learn how to stay grounded no matter the external circumstances.

Going Deep:

For the seeker. For the ones ready to take the dive and explore their inner world with honesty and compassion. For those committed to creating a big shift in their life — a deliberate shake up. In this 12 week journey we will use mindfulness tools, meditation, poetry, journaling, sharing, and restorative yoga practices to explore your inner world, places where you are feeling stuck and what lives below this stagnation. We will start with your big picture vision and work backwards to see what concrete steps you can take to live in your true power. Coming home to yourself takes courage and hard work, but the greatest gift you can give yourself is YOU.